Saturday, August 23, 2008

Faces Of Malaysia Happy Ending~

Haha..look what is this?!
this is our B5 all Leng Lui with our great Ms.Yesu!
So happy because our event ended successfully~ All feelings inside heart is really hard to explain by words! Just can say : WE MAKE IT! WE REALLY MAKE IT!! WHAT A GOOD JOB FROM DPR 2 B5!!
haha..i really proud to be in B5, and get know with u guys!

I believed that this event sure brought unforgotten memories for all of you rite?
So, let's us keep it in our big big brain or even small small brain, as well as heart and bring it wherever u be! Coz we are a big family!

Last, I Love you all! B5! Muacks~ Take a good rest ya everybody~!
By Fanny

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Very Special Thanks~

Ya ya ya yaa~
Here..... I think all of Us.. B5..
WOuld like to thanks to ~~~~~~~~~~
Deng Deng Deng Deng!!!!~
Mr LOH MAI KAI ~~ (also known as Kai kai too)
Aunty Manesa ~~...........
ANd.. of cuz aunty and mama and sis of Manesa too ^^

Cuz they do help all of us although they ad left us..
thanks lmk for help every teams... don't see him thin thin like that.. Actually.. he is superman!!! can tahan don't sleep for 3days!! reali "YAO BENG".. (got sick)
thanks for helping, even in sponsors, P&P (Printing ^^), programme team, F&E too..

And manesa..
Help all the indians costume lovely leng leng classmates to wear sari..
and the booth... Kolams... accessories.. preparations... Thanks thanks thanks..

we are glad to have ex-classmates like them,
Once classmates~ forever classmates~~~

Rain Rain

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

fREe giFt frEE giFt!!

WOooOOo~~ nEw updAted!! abOut oUr fRee GifT!!HAMPER HAMPER HAMPER!!! 58 units of hAmpEr !! thAt wOrth aBOut RM20-40... cOmes jOin Our gAmes!! evEn lOse aLso will get a small giFt bY DPRB5!! mAke sUre u Join~~ once u join, u cAn get thE fRee gIfT!! IT'S TRUE!!!

~~yEah!!~Lets shAre oUr "PROCESS" oF pAcking thE hAmpEr~~

tAke a rEst 1st=wAsting timE..(hAhAHA..Joking)

wAt u gUys waiting fOr??dAmn hot larhHh~~

mUSt tAke a pHoto in cOllegE b4 pAcking thE

Busy...!!vEry bUsy!!c~ oUr helper so tiny..hArd jOb larhh man..haha^^

Finally,we finished packing...kNow whAt timE is it??10PM!!wOo~~sO gENg!!58hAmpEr~~

In anothEr vieW,aCtuAli we Got sUm membErs who damn Hungry, stEal biscuit anD Ate...

Our hAmpEr~~nicE??attractive?? wAn ?? intrested??cOme And jOin oUr gAmes tHEn u wIll gEt it!!

-pOsted bY Lim Yi Ting(orAnge)-140808-

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Prepare for Pre-event~ on Sat 9th August 2008!

Tang Lung in canteen 2 is hanging up d~

Posters ... In progress~

spraying the colours~

Both Guys ~ whats up doing there ?~ ^^

Just have few photos here.. abit bit sorry ya..
on sunday, there are some preparation for the pre-event..
which is 12th and 13th august..
publicity will be start on that..
good luck for DPR2, Faces of Malaysia!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Let Us Join Forces and Rock This Exhibition!!

B5 students do look good on picture don't they??
haha... anyway, not to give you guys presure just to wanna let you know we only have 9 days left before the actual day!! i don't know about you guuys but i definitely feel excited and nervous at the same time...
people, we need to gambateh!! jia you!!!
here, i must say the floor and event team, publicity and publication team, business team, programme team as well as exhibit have done a good job so far...well done!!
thank to you guys i felt less burden and i hope that you guys would continue to work harder and make b5 the best group in DPR2 (no offence to other group though..hehe!) at the same time make our exhibition be the most successful campaign in TARC. 
aligato and gambateh!!!


为了我们的assignment marks,我们要加油哦!!!

written by the cuuuuuuuuute PM, Yvonne Loke

p.s by the way, today is my birthday! =p

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Photos Of Team Members ~~

Exhibition TeamFrom Left, Wei chung, Vei Jin and Jeffery

Programme Team
Center: Grace ... Left: Yukie.... Right: Eng Eng~

F&E Team

From Left..~ Kah Yan, Jean, Pinky, Fanny, Jas, Zhong Jie

P&P Team

From Right.. Rain, Kae, Sun, Ailing, Puisan, Crystal~

Business Team

Yo~ Left Start from Serena, Chee Yong, Orange, And Chee Wee!~~