Wednesday, August 13, 2008

fREe giFt frEE giFt!!

WOooOOo~~ nEw updAted!! abOut oUr fRee GifT!!HAMPER HAMPER HAMPER!!! 58 units of hAmpEr !! thAt wOrth aBOut RM20-40... cOmes jOin Our gAmes!! evEn lOse aLso will get a small giFt bY DPRB5!! mAke sUre u Join~~ once u join, u cAn get thE fRee gIfT!! IT'S TRUE!!!

~~yEah!!~Lets shAre oUr "PROCESS" oF pAcking thE hAmpEr~~

tAke a rEst 1st=wAsting timE..(hAhAHA..Joking)

wAt u gUys waiting fOr??dAmn hot larhHh~~

mUSt tAke a pHoto in cOllegE b4 pAcking thE

Busy...!!vEry bUsy!!c~ oUr helper so tiny..hArd jOb larhh man..haha^^

Finally,we finished packing...kNow whAt timE is it??10PM!!wOo~~sO gENg!!58hAmpEr~~

In anothEr vieW,aCtuAli we Got sUm membErs who damn Hungry, stEal biscuit anD Ate...

Our hAmpEr~~nicE??attractive?? wAn ?? intrested??cOme And jOin oUr gAmes tHEn u wIll gEt it!!

-pOsted bY Lim Yi Ting(orAnge)-140808-

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