Saturday, August 23, 2008
Faces Of Malaysia Happy Ending~
Haha..look what is this?!
this is our B5 all Leng Lui with our great Ms.Yesu!
So happy because our event ended successfully~ All feelings inside heart is really hard to explain by words! Just can say : WE MAKE IT! WE REALLY MAKE IT!! WHAT A GOOD JOB FROM DPR 2 B5!!
haha..i really proud to be in B5, and get know with u guys!
I believed that this event sure brought unforgotten memories for all of you rite?
So, let's us keep it in our big big brain or even small small brain, as well as heart and bring it wherever u be! Coz we are a big family!
Last, I Love you all! B5! Muacks~ Take a good rest ya everybody~!
By Fanny
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A Very Special Thanks~
Ya ya ya yaa~
Here..... I think all of Us.. B5..
WOuld like to thanks to ~~~~~~~~~~
Deng Deng Deng Deng!!!!~
Mr LOH MAI KAI ~~ (also known as Kai kai too)
Aunty Manesa ~~...........
ANd.. of cuz aunty and mama and sis of Manesa too ^^
Cuz they do help all of us although they ad left us..
thanks lmk for help every teams... don't see him thin thin like that.. Actually.. he is superman!!! can tahan don't sleep for 3days!! reali "YAO BENG".. (got sick)
thanks for helping, even in sponsors, P&P (Printing ^^), programme team, F&E too..
And manesa..
Help all the indians costume lovely leng leng classmates to wear sari..
and the booth... Kolams... accessories.. preparations... Thanks thanks thanks..
we are glad to have ex-classmates like them,
Once classmates~ forever classmates~~~
Rain Rain
Here..... I think all of Us.. B5..
WOuld like to thanks to ~~~~~~~~~~
Deng Deng Deng Deng!!!!~
Mr LOH MAI KAI ~~ (also known as Kai kai too)
Aunty Manesa ~~...........
ANd.. of cuz aunty and mama and sis of Manesa too ^^
Cuz they do help all of us although they ad left us..
thanks lmk for help every teams... don't see him thin thin like that.. Actually.. he is superman!!! can tahan don't sleep for 3days!! reali "YAO BENG".. (got sick)
thanks for helping, even in sponsors, P&P (Printing ^^), programme team, F&E too..
And manesa..
Help all the indians costume lovely leng leng classmates to wear sari..
and the booth... Kolams... accessories.. preparations... Thanks thanks thanks..
we are glad to have ex-classmates like them,
Once classmates~ forever classmates~~~
Rain Rain
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
fREe giFt frEE giFt!!
WOooOOo~~ nEw updAted!! abOut oUr fRee GifT!!HAMPER HAMPER HAMPER!!! 58 units of hAmpEr !! thAt wOrth aBOut RM20-40... cOmes jOin Our gAmes!! evEn lOse aLso will get a small giFt bY DPRB5!! mAke sUre u Join~~ once u join, u cAn get thE fRee gIfT!! IT'S TRUE!!!
~~yEah!!~Lets shAre oUr "PROCESS" oF pAcking thE hAmpEr~~
Finally,we finished packing...kNow whAt timE is it??10PM!!wOo~~sO gENg!!58hAmpEr~~
In anothEr vieW,aCtuAli we Got sUm membErs who damn Hungry, stEal biscuit anD Ate...
~~yEah!!~Lets shAre oUr "PROCESS" oF pAcking thE hAmpEr~~
Finally,we finished packing...kNow whAt timE is it??10PM!!wOo~~sO gENg!!58hAmpEr~~
In anothEr vieW,aCtuAli we Got sUm membErs who damn Hungry, stEal biscuit anD Ate...
Our hAmpEr~~nicE??attractive?? wAn ?? intrested??cOme And jOin oUr gAmes tHEn u wIll gEt it!!
-pOsted bY Lim Yi Ting(orAnge)-140808-
Monday, August 11, 2008
Our pre-event updated 110808
Today is our busy day~
we have spent whole day in preparing our pre-event!
Actually, our pre-event has attracted much people's attention,
so happy to see that, yes! ^^
Thanks for everybody to cooperate in pre-event preparation,
it was really a nice experience n unforgotten memories for us!
Gambateh! my buddies~
-by Fanny it beautiful?? we have spent a lot of efforts on it o~ hope it can grap all of your attention!
All of my group members were exciting to view the softboard design~ same as me larh..hehe! ^^
Everyone busy in making ketupat~ what a interesting view..hehe!
we have spent whole day in preparing our pre-event!
Actually, our pre-event has attracted much people's attention,
so happy to see that, yes! ^^
Thanks for everybody to cooperate in pre-event preparation,
it was really a nice experience n unforgotten memories for us!
Gambateh! my buddies~
-by Fanny it beautiful?? we have spent a lot of efforts on it o~ hope it can grap all of your attention!
All of my group members were exciting to view the softboard design~ same as me larh..hehe! ^^
Everyone busy in making ketupat~ what a interesting view..hehe!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Prepare for Pre-event~ on Sat 9th August 2008!
Tang Lung in canteen 2 is hanging up d~
Both Guys ~ whats up doing there ?~ ^^
Posters ... In progress~
spraying the colours~
Both Guys ~ whats up doing there ?~ ^^
Just have few photos here.. abit bit sorry ya..
on sunday, there are some preparation for the pre-event..
which is 12th and 13th august..
publicity will be start on that..
good luck for DPR2, Faces of Malaysia!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Let Us Join Forces and Rock This Exhibition!!
B5 students do look good on picture don't they??
haha... anyway, not to give you guys presure just to wanna let you know we only have 9 days left before the actual day!! i don't know about you guuys but i definitely feel excited and nervous at the same time...
people, we need to gambateh!! jia you!!!
here, i must say the floor and event team, publicity and publication team, business team, programme team as well as exhibit have done a good job so far...well done!!
thank to you guys i felt less burden and i hope that you guys would continue to work harder and make b5 the best group in DPR2 (no offence to other group though..hehe!) at the same time make our exhibition be the most successful campaign in TARC.
aligato and gambateh!!!
为了我们的assignment marks,我们要加油哦!!!
written by the cuuuuuuuuute PM, Yvonne Loke
p.s by the way, today is my birthday! =p
haha... anyway, not to give you guys presure just to wanna let you know we only have 9 days left before the actual day!! i don't know about you guuys but i definitely feel excited and nervous at the same time...
people, we need to gambateh!! jia you!!!
here, i must say the floor and event team, publicity and publication team, business team, programme team as well as exhibit have done a good job so far...well done!!
thank to you guys i felt less burden and i hope that you guys would continue to work harder and make b5 the best group in DPR2 (no offence to other group though..hehe!) at the same time make our exhibition be the most successful campaign in TARC.
aligato and gambateh!!!
为了我们的assignment marks,我们要加油哦!!!
written by the cuuuuuuuuute PM, Yvonne Loke
p.s by the way, today is my birthday! =p
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Photos Of Team Members ~~
Exhibition TeamFrom Left, Wei chung, Vei Jin and Jeffery
Programme Team
Center: Grace ... Left: Yukie.... Right: Eng Eng~
F&E Team
From Left..~ Kah Yan, Jean, Pinky, Fanny, Jas, Zhong Jie
P&P Team
From Right.. Rain, Kae, Sun, Ailing, Puisan, Crystal~Business Team
Yo~ Left Start from Serena, Chee Yong, Orange, And Chee Wee!~~
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Members' Words~ !!!
Business Team:
Low Chee Wee:
I am a part of Business Team. At first I feel that sponsor is easy to find but when I finding sponsor I only feel that it is not and it hard to find. In the early I can’t find any sponsor but with my family, friends, lecturer and my group‘s support I success to find sponsor. In this journey we experience “wind wind rain rain” together but we can learn and experience many thing from organize this event I will never forget the first event we organize and build together. Even I feel hard but I also happy and enjoy at here. This is an unforgettable memory in my life. After 10 years, 100 years and 1000 years I still remember the thing that we experience together, when we think back let the happy tear come out. Thanks for my classmate and the people who support me.
Ng Chee Yong:
Firstly, I was shocked that my name was listed in Business Team. It is because I scare I can’t find any sponsor. But It maybe a will from god, so I accepted it with an open heart. During the time we find sponsorship. We enchanter a lots of hardship. We call, we mail, we visit door to door to find sponsor. Tons of reject was given. But still we dint give up in happy because we manage to get the hugest sponsor among 10 classes (After seeing this on please giveB5 student some apploves lah, we done well!). Actually I only manage to get sponsor only -_-“. But is quite lot lah. So, I felt that most of the credits should be given to our team leader and other member. After this experience, I still don’t like this job as really no interest an keen on it. But is a good memory in my life.
Low Hui Ying- at first i think that is so unfair place me to this team which is business team. After a period working in this team, i felt that it is not as hard as i think. It is all about team work and hard work. Even sometimes we might face some problem and conflict asking for sponsor from certain company and so on, but this is just starting and it is actually apart of our life that we going to face and even more harder we gonna face in future. And i had learn a lot from here.I more understand what is PR all about and the main point is my communication skill. So i feel that i had learn a lot in business team and will use it in future life.
P&P Team:
FiRst I wOuLd LiKe tO Say ‘‘HaR….LO…’’ fOr eVeryOnE whO ViewiNg OuR cLaSs BlOg.
I’M oNe Of thE B5 StuDeNt whO uNdeR P&P depaRtMeNt.
YoU caN caLL Me ‘SuN’…Or ‘CArEY’....NicE tO MeeT yOu gUy heRe….XD…
---It waS thE firSt eXperieNcE I paRticipaNt tO conduct A eVeNt..thE feeLiNg aRe HaRd tO deScRibe…HapY?..eXciTed?...WoRy?...aNyWaY Tat waS a gOOd tRy For Me..I wiLL trY mY beSt To dO it Well….HaHa^^..wiLL yOu Guy SuppOrt mE Too?...
---I aM oNe of the P&P teaM MemBeR aNd P&P teaM ls oRdeR tO deSigN diffeReNt tYpe Of fLyeR, pOsteR, baNNeR, BantiNg…Tat waS haRd MatteR fOr uS..bcOz We duN haVe aNy kNowleDge Of draWiNg buT Nid tO taKe fuLL reSpoNsiBLe ln aRt wOrK…reaLLy feLt Stressssss….x______x…staRted fRoM tat DaY..wE buZy tO ruShiNg ouR aRt wOrkS…oNline dO reSeaRch…LearN hOw tO uSe SucH sOftwaRe tO desIgn piCtureS…draWiNg& cOLoR aNd other....sOmetiMeS wE qUarreLed bCoz Of diffeReNt OpiNiOns..
End Of tHe ResUlt, thE pOsteR tat I deSigNed waS seLeCted bY Ms.yeSu (My leCtureR) aS a maiN pOsteR fOr thls eVeNt…I feLt Very veRy haPy..aNd SurpRise…tHat iS reaLLy haRd tO desCriBe…^O^..
---PerSoN thaT I waNt tO tHaNk aNd reSpeCt iS ‘ RaiN Jie’.---shE ls My teaM LeaDer soMeOne whO aLwayS pRaiSe heRseLf siMiLiaR With HeBe (S.H.E)…sHe reaLLy iS a GOOD LEADER bCOz she Pay eNOugh effOrt tO dO HeR jOb weLL..aNd Led uS tO doNe the CertaiN joB at cErtaiN tiMe…You aRe thE beSt ONE…
---FinaLLy….I hOpe eVeNt Of ‘FACES OF MALAYSIAN’ caN rUnniNg sMoothLy....caN gaiN moRe aWaReneSS Of TARCIAN..aNd All thE BesT iN this eVeNt…
Hallo everybody...
Our course, DPR2 is going to organize a campaign entitles ‘Faces of Malaysia’…
It will be held on 19th and 20th of August, 2008 at College Hall.
This event will be introduced to all students about each races’ festivals, traditional attires, traditional games, food, wedding, traditional instrument and etc.
All the DPR2 students will be wearing traditional attires on the actual day…
It will be very fun and enjoyable is due to there will be games and presents will be given to all the lucky students…
All my kawan-kawan, must come and have a look at our event oo...
You won be regret for coming to the event…
Faces of Malaysia, this event will be organize by DPR2 student and we feel so grad because have this opportunity to organize this event! Through this event, we can learn more about the main three races culture and traditional. As a member of publicity and publication team, I can learn more about the strategic and tactics to promote this event to the Tarcian, we done those entire beautiful banner, flyers, poster and banding. Firstly, I really cannot get in to the publicity and publication job, because I cannot draw well and I am not good in using computer to design something. But day by day, I need to done the publicity and publication job, so I tell myself to done well and do my best.
Well, other than that, we also can know the job of Floor and Event team, Business team, Programme team and Exhibition team, added with the hicom, our class have 24 people to organize our booth together! Through organize this event, our class put a lot of effort on this event, especially our class booth, Festival Booth! While prepare everything of our booth, I can notice that our B5 students relationship become closer and closer. So, to support us, please come to our booth and know more about the three races festival! We welcome u all to come to our booth. Festival!
Hihi..everybody!! We have an event in the college hall on 19 August to 20 August. Our event title is Faces of Malaysian. We are from B5 student which is from Promote and Publicity teams. Our class title for this event is about Festival. For example, the festival that Chinese have Chinese New Year, Moon Cake festival, Qing Ming and others. Indian has Deepavali, Thaipusam and others. Malay has Aidilfitri, Hari Raya Puasa and others.
Besides that, we also have other interesting program in the event. Therefore, I hope everyone can come to our event.
F&E Team:
I was glad that I can take part in this event and join F&E department. At the beginning, I was stress in this department because we have a lot of assignments to do in this semester. But, I was glad that I was leaded by a good leader and few of good members. Beside that, we have a good co-operation and teamwork. We had our F&E meeting in every week to discuss about our booth layout, floor plan and so on.
In this department, I gained many experiences that I never learn before and I had learnt about how to be patient when facing problem. Now, I am very excited and looking forward of our event which is coming soon in TARC College Hall on this coming 19& 20th of August 2008.
Actually, I feel very happy and stress because the event is coming soon. I’m the team member of F&E; our given task is planning the floor plan and designing the booth decoration. This is the first time I participate in this kind of job. Our team has paid much effort and has sacrificed our sleeping time in order to done our job.
Beside that, I would like to thank all of my classmates and also course mates who had ever helped us during this hardship period. I also very appreciate Ms. Yesu’s guidelines during whole event preparation. She had given me a golden chance to participate in this event and it has increased my knowledge in how to be a good PR. Lastly, I hope our event can succeed and all the TARCians can join our event to have a fun memory. Wakaka………….
Hello *_9 My name is Jean. Why I love to be a public relation practitioner? It is because I really want to experience the feeling of being the media crew. I hope I can be a media practitioner who serves for public; I enjoy bringing different interesting information to public, discovers the new things which are not popular and introduce to everybody, but I hope the majority of people can accept and like my thing very much.
I appreciate to the media staff very much, because they are specialized in introducing several of strange things to everybody, it is one of the challenging process, must deal with the thunderbolt all the time. It does not have certain rule; they must understand the different circumstance to solve all crisis and problems. This is the professional who I want to become the mass communication public relations!
This event – Faces on Malaysia is my first try, I really looking forward on it, finally I have an opportunity to let me attempt work as public relation. This event is opened for outsides public and also TARCian. Before we start planning in this program, we have to choose ourselves to be in-charge in one of those departments. Finally I had chosen the most challenging department, Floor & Event Team; it is stage design, floors and event team.
Regarding this event in TARC, it is about cultural of three races’ such like festival celebrations, costumes, foods, music instruments and etc. For our B5 group, we are given the task in organizing three races festivals. Woo~ it is so complicated man! It is full of challenges! Thus, I had learned many new thing, knowledge and know how to handle difference situations. I have understood thoroughly the planning process of an event, it really not as the imagination simplicity. After several day-long continuous, the complex mood, our progress must be submitted and presented in hurried! Finally, we have done the different projects! This is our brand-new challenge, infinite duty! So, on the event day coming soon, I’m going to in charge of Chinese festival booth. Interesting to see B5 student dress up traditional clothes??? Hope to see you there ~
At last, I must thank to all friends for helping us in this event, especially Miss Yesu, and my group. Thanks everybody! I hope the coming future I can create the infinite new challenge. Don’t forget, I’m waiting for you all….I LOVE TRADITIONAL *_9
Zhong Jie:
I feel very happy and excited because we have opportunity to organize this campaign. Firstly, I want to thank our lecturer, Ms. Yesu because she helps us a lot during the preparation of this campaign. Then, I want to thank all my fellow classmates because they let me learn more. I wish this campaign will be successful. Gambateh!
Kar Yann:
I feel very excited because this is my first time to organize this campaign. I hope this campaign will be all the best and very successful. I want to thanks our lecturer, Ms. Yesu and all my classmate that help this campaign a lot.
Programme Team:
Eng Eng:
My opinion through the event
Emmm… very happy that I am one of the members to organize the event… because through this event I can learn many things from that…. I also feel very happy that I have a chance to organize the event…. I hope that the event can be successful organize.
First at all, I feel very happy because can take part in this campaign. In this campaign, I will involve the programming of this campaign. At beginning, I do know that what I should do? After then, I will learn the programming department is a plan of what is intended to be? What time we plan to play the game? So, I will know that my responsibility is to make this campaign goes smooth.
More while, I also can learn more about Public Relations job. In fact that, organize the campaign is not easily way. Therefore, I also spent a lot of time to plan our festival games for this campaign. So, I really hope our festival games can attract more key public to join in this festival game.
Furthermore, this festival event bring us learn about the team work. That is because we have a good relationship with cooperate other classes to plan our festival event. Thus, I really wish our festival campaign is successfully held in TAR College. I believe that if the successful of this campaign was largely the result of our good team work.
In my conclusion, I would like to express my thanks to the following for their help in the suggestion of this event such as Ms Yesu, PR Lecturer, for her advice and guidance. As a final word, I express special thanks to my group member and all my classmates for their constant support and encouragement.
Low Chee Wee:
I am a part of Business Team. At first I feel that sponsor is easy to find but when I finding sponsor I only feel that it is not and it hard to find. In the early I can’t find any sponsor but with my family, friends, lecturer and my group‘s support I success to find sponsor. In this journey we experience “wind wind rain rain” together but we can learn and experience many thing from organize this event I will never forget the first event we organize and build together. Even I feel hard but I also happy and enjoy at here. This is an unforgettable memory in my life. After 10 years, 100 years and 1000 years I still remember the thing that we experience together, when we think back let the happy tear come out. Thanks for my classmate and the people who support me.
Ng Chee Yong:
Firstly, I was shocked that my name was listed in Business Team. It is because I scare I can’t find any sponsor. But It maybe a will from god, so I accepted it with an open heart. During the time we find sponsorship. We enchanter a lots of hardship. We call, we mail, we visit door to door to find sponsor. Tons of reject was given. But still we dint give up in happy because we manage to get the hugest sponsor among 10 classes (After seeing this on please giveB5 student some apploves lah, we done well!). Actually I only manage to get sponsor only -_-“. But is quite lot lah. So, I felt that most of the credits should be given to our team leader and other member. After this experience, I still don’t like this job as really no interest an keen on it. But is a good memory in my life.
Low Hui Ying- at first i think that is so unfair place me to this team which is business team. After a period working in this team, i felt that it is not as hard as i think. It is all about team work and hard work. Even sometimes we might face some problem and conflict asking for sponsor from certain company and so on, but this is just starting and it is actually apart of our life that we going to face and even more harder we gonna face in future. And i had learn a lot from here.I more understand what is PR all about and the main point is my communication skill. So i feel that i had learn a lot in business team and will use it in future life.
P&P Team:
FiRst I wOuLd LiKe tO Say ‘‘HaR….LO…’’ fOr eVeryOnE whO ViewiNg OuR cLaSs BlOg.
I’M oNe Of thE B5 StuDeNt whO uNdeR P&P depaRtMeNt.
YoU caN caLL Me ‘SuN’…Or ‘CArEY’....NicE tO MeeT yOu gUy heRe….XD…
---It waS thE firSt eXperieNcE I paRticipaNt tO conduct A eVeNt..thE feeLiNg aRe HaRd tO deScRibe…HapY?..eXciTed?...WoRy?...aNyWaY Tat waS a gOOd tRy For Me..I wiLL trY mY beSt To dO it Well….HaHa^^..wiLL yOu Guy SuppOrt mE Too?...
---I aM oNe of the P&P teaM MemBeR aNd P&P teaM ls oRdeR tO deSigN diffeReNt tYpe Of fLyeR, pOsteR, baNNeR, BantiNg…Tat waS haRd MatteR fOr uS..bcOz We duN haVe aNy kNowleDge Of draWiNg buT Nid tO taKe fuLL reSpoNsiBLe ln aRt wOrK…reaLLy feLt Stressssss….x______x…staRted fRoM tat DaY..wE buZy tO ruShiNg ouR aRt wOrkS…oNline dO reSeaRch…LearN hOw tO uSe SucH sOftwaRe tO desIgn piCtureS…draWiNg& cOLoR aNd other....sOmetiMeS wE qUarreLed bCoz Of diffeReNt OpiNiOns..
End Of tHe ResUlt, thE pOsteR tat I deSigNed waS seLeCted bY Ms.yeSu (My leCtureR) aS a maiN pOsteR fOr thls eVeNt…I feLt Very veRy haPy..aNd SurpRise…tHat iS reaLLy haRd tO desCriBe…^O^..
---PerSoN thaT I waNt tO tHaNk aNd reSpeCt iS ‘ RaiN Jie’.---shE ls My teaM LeaDer soMeOne whO aLwayS pRaiSe heRseLf siMiLiaR With HeBe (S.H.E)…sHe reaLLy iS a GOOD LEADER bCOz she Pay eNOugh effOrt tO dO HeR jOb weLL..aNd Led uS tO doNe the CertaiN joB at cErtaiN tiMe…You aRe thE beSt ONE…
---FinaLLy….I hOpe eVeNt Of ‘FACES OF MALAYSIAN’ caN rUnniNg sMoothLy....caN gaiN moRe aWaReneSS Of TARCIAN..aNd All thE BesT iN this eVeNt…
Hallo everybody...
Our course, DPR2 is going to organize a campaign entitles ‘Faces of Malaysia’…
It will be held on 19th and 20th of August, 2008 at College Hall.
This event will be introduced to all students about each races’ festivals, traditional attires, traditional games, food, wedding, traditional instrument and etc.
All the DPR2 students will be wearing traditional attires on the actual day…
It will be very fun and enjoyable is due to there will be games and presents will be given to all the lucky students…
All my kawan-kawan, must come and have a look at our event oo...
You won be regret for coming to the event…
Faces of Malaysia, this event will be organize by DPR2 student and we feel so grad because have this opportunity to organize this event! Through this event, we can learn more about the main three races culture and traditional. As a member of publicity and publication team, I can learn more about the strategic and tactics to promote this event to the Tarcian, we done those entire beautiful banner, flyers, poster and banding. Firstly, I really cannot get in to the publicity and publication job, because I cannot draw well and I am not good in using computer to design something. But day by day, I need to done the publicity and publication job, so I tell myself to done well and do my best.
Well, other than that, we also can know the job of Floor and Event team, Business team, Programme team and Exhibition team, added with the hicom, our class have 24 people to organize our booth together! Through organize this event, our class put a lot of effort on this event, especially our class booth, Festival Booth! While prepare everything of our booth, I can notice that our B5 students relationship become closer and closer. So, to support us, please come to our booth and know more about the three races festival! We welcome u all to come to our booth. Festival!
Hihi..everybody!! We have an event in the college hall on 19 August to 20 August. Our event title is Faces of Malaysian. We are from B5 student which is from Promote and Publicity teams. Our class title for this event is about Festival. For example, the festival that Chinese have Chinese New Year, Moon Cake festival, Qing Ming and others. Indian has Deepavali, Thaipusam and others. Malay has Aidilfitri, Hari Raya Puasa and others.
Besides that, we also have other interesting program in the event. Therefore, I hope everyone can come to our event.
F&E Team:
I was glad that I can take part in this event and join F&E department. At the beginning, I was stress in this department because we have a lot of assignments to do in this semester. But, I was glad that I was leaded by a good leader and few of good members. Beside that, we have a good co-operation and teamwork. We had our F&E meeting in every week to discuss about our booth layout, floor plan and so on.
In this department, I gained many experiences that I never learn before and I had learnt about how to be patient when facing problem. Now, I am very excited and looking forward of our event which is coming soon in TARC College Hall on this coming 19& 20th of August 2008.
Actually, I feel very happy and stress because the event is coming soon. I’m the team member of F&E; our given task is planning the floor plan and designing the booth decoration. This is the first time I participate in this kind of job. Our team has paid much effort and has sacrificed our sleeping time in order to done our job.
Beside that, I would like to thank all of my classmates and also course mates who had ever helped us during this hardship period. I also very appreciate Ms. Yesu’s guidelines during whole event preparation. She had given me a golden chance to participate in this event and it has increased my knowledge in how to be a good PR. Lastly, I hope our event can succeed and all the TARCians can join our event to have a fun memory. Wakaka………….
Hello *_9 My name is Jean. Why I love to be a public relation practitioner? It is because I really want to experience the feeling of being the media crew. I hope I can be a media practitioner who serves for public; I enjoy bringing different interesting information to public, discovers the new things which are not popular and introduce to everybody, but I hope the majority of people can accept and like my thing very much.
I appreciate to the media staff very much, because they are specialized in introducing several of strange things to everybody, it is one of the challenging process, must deal with the thunderbolt all the time. It does not have certain rule; they must understand the different circumstance to solve all crisis and problems. This is the professional who I want to become the mass communication public relations!
This event – Faces on Malaysia is my first try, I really looking forward on it, finally I have an opportunity to let me attempt work as public relation. This event is opened for outsides public and also TARCian. Before we start planning in this program, we have to choose ourselves to be in-charge in one of those departments. Finally I had chosen the most challenging department, Floor & Event Team; it is stage design, floors and event team.
Regarding this event in TARC, it is about cultural of three races’ such like festival celebrations, costumes, foods, music instruments and etc. For our B5 group, we are given the task in organizing three races festivals. Woo~ it is so complicated man! It is full of challenges! Thus, I had learned many new thing, knowledge and know how to handle difference situations. I have understood thoroughly the planning process of an event, it really not as the imagination simplicity. After several day-long continuous, the complex mood, our progress must be submitted and presented in hurried! Finally, we have done the different projects! This is our brand-new challenge, infinite duty! So, on the event day coming soon, I’m going to in charge of Chinese festival booth. Interesting to see B5 student dress up traditional clothes??? Hope to see you there ~
At last, I must thank to all friends for helping us in this event, especially Miss Yesu, and my group. Thanks everybody! I hope the coming future I can create the infinite new challenge. Don’t forget, I’m waiting for you all….I LOVE TRADITIONAL *_9
Zhong Jie:
I feel very happy and excited because we have opportunity to organize this campaign. Firstly, I want to thank our lecturer, Ms. Yesu because she helps us a lot during the preparation of this campaign. Then, I want to thank all my fellow classmates because they let me learn more. I wish this campaign will be successful. Gambateh!
Kar Yann:
I feel very excited because this is my first time to organize this campaign. I hope this campaign will be all the best and very successful. I want to thanks our lecturer, Ms. Yesu and all my classmate that help this campaign a lot.
Programme Team:
Eng Eng:
My opinion through the event
Emmm… very happy that I am one of the members to organize the event… because through this event I can learn many things from that…. I also feel very happy that I have a chance to organize the event…. I hope that the event can be successful organize.
First at all, I feel very happy because can take part in this campaign. In this campaign, I will involve the programming of this campaign. At beginning, I do know that what I should do? After then, I will learn the programming department is a plan of what is intended to be? What time we plan to play the game? So, I will know that my responsibility is to make this campaign goes smooth.
More while, I also can learn more about Public Relations job. In fact that, organize the campaign is not easily way. Therefore, I also spent a lot of time to plan our festival games for this campaign. So, I really hope our festival games can attract more key public to join in this festival game.
Furthermore, this festival event bring us learn about the team work. That is because we have a good relationship with cooperate other classes to plan our festival event. Thus, I really wish our festival campaign is successfully held in TAR College. I believe that if the successful of this campaign was largely the result of our good team work.
In my conclusion, I would like to express my thanks to the following for their help in the suggestion of this event such as Ms Yesu, PR Lecturer, for her advice and guidance. As a final word, I express special thanks to my group member and all my classmates for their constant support and encouragement.
Team Leaders for B5
Miss Lim Yi Ting (Business Team Leader)
Wow~ I’m the sponsorship leader of B5. Business team leader~~>.< Felt so worried that time because I knew that it’s not easy to find sponsorship. Some more we need to find more cash than other class. Luckily, YEAH!!! I got the sponsorship that sponsor us cash. Really felt so happy, thankS to my group member. I LOVE YOU GUYS and all my classmates that give me a lot of supports. B5 iS thE bESt..!!gAmbAteHhHh!!
Wow~ I’m the sponsorship leader of B5. Business team leader~~>.< Felt so worried that time because I knew that it’s not easy to find sponsorship. Some more we need to find more cash than other class. Luckily, YEAH!!! I got the sponsorship that sponsor us cash. Really felt so happy, thankS to my group member. I LOVE YOU GUYS and all my classmates that give me a lot of supports. B5 iS thE bESt..!!gAmbAteHhHh!!
Rain (P&P Team Leader)
Well~ there sure be much things I wanna say…
First of all, thanks Miss Yesu for conduct in this event…
Everyone (I THINK SO) should be feeling stress and many works to do in the event.. When u feeling tired and wanna give up… Pls! wow! Try think that this is the only and last event in our diploma life! Why not we just give more cooperation to each other to make it successful ?? Think positively! And this is the last year for all of us to be together… Appreciate the time with our classmates no matter it is hard time … or enjoyable time!
Something to inform for P&P team.. I am glad that flyers, poster, bunting, invitation card.. these all design are selected for the event. (Big claps~~~~~~ ) wakakaka! Even though, it’s need to do more things… But, still feeling great… Weird feel ~
Another thing, sorry to my team members. As what I did hurt u all before.. Thanks you all for giving help to other group.. I’m appreciate it! =)
And I spent a lot for transportation fees… quarreling with my designer because of I am quite slow and numb in learning illustrator... Feelings frustrated at the first and wanna give up for being a leader. I hate that kind of feel. But, now I turned to be appreciating that I am in this post. At least, I learned something new after in P&P … =) so, I can’t change my position since I am already here, and the event coming soon. Just go on! Good luck~~
Hope that we can do it successfully, “B5 B5 B5!!! Kampateh !!!” miss that day we are all together and shout it loud! We can make it!! Right!!!
Well~ there sure be much things I wanna say…
First of all, thanks Miss Yesu for conduct in this event…
Everyone (I THINK SO) should be feeling stress and many works to do in the event.. When u feeling tired and wanna give up… Pls! wow! Try think that this is the only and last event in our diploma life! Why not we just give more cooperation to each other to make it successful ?? Think positively! And this is the last year for all of us to be together… Appreciate the time with our classmates no matter it is hard time … or enjoyable time!
Something to inform for P&P team.. I am glad that flyers, poster, bunting, invitation card.. these all design are selected for the event. (Big claps~~~~~~ ) wakakaka! Even though, it’s need to do more things… But, still feeling great… Weird feel ~
Another thing, sorry to my team members. As what I did hurt u all before.. Thanks you all for giving help to other group.. I’m appreciate it! =)
And I spent a lot for transportation fees… quarreling with my designer because of I am quite slow and numb in learning illustrator... Feelings frustrated at the first and wanna give up for being a leader. I hate that kind of feel. But, now I turned to be appreciating that I am in this post. At least, I learned something new after in P&P … =) so, I can’t change my position since I am already here, and the event coming soon. Just go on! Good luck~~
Hope that we can do it successfully, “B5 B5 B5!!! Kampateh !!!” miss that day we are all together and shout it loud! We can make it!! Right!!!
Fanny (F&E Team Leader)
This event is my first organize event. Thus, it brings me a lot of unforgotten memories. Actually, I never think that I will study Public Relations and even organize an event. Once I know that we have to organize an event in this semester, I was very excited and looking forward on it. However, once I was being informed that I am the leader in Floor & Event team; I was doubt with my ability to manage whole projects well…
The reason I chose to join Floor & Event is simple. That is because I enjoy learning new things, especially skill in organizing event and solving problems. I believe that it will be useful in my future while I am experiencing this challenge!
Actually, we faced a lot of problems during this event. Its included communication problems and group members’ opinions are totally different. At the beginning, all of us were troubled in this case because we tried to do our best but we still lacked of experiences. Luckily, all of the conflicts have been settled under a peace situation. ^_^’
Through this event, I have learned a lot of things no matter is under my expectations or unexpected. One of my experiences that I would like to share here is leadership. Leadership skill is really important no matter where you working in future. For me, I know-nothing in leading people, thus it has become a great problem in this event. It is because I don’t know what I should do and what tasks should I give to my members. End of this, I did it all by myself and I felt very tired in both physically and mentally! Luckily I was guided by few friends who had ever been leader before; they guided me and shared their experiences with me. It is useful for me and finally I slowly understand my responsibilities.
Here, I would like to thank all my team members because they helped me a lot in F&E Team when different tasks had given to our team. They are good team members because they always obey my orders and gave me what I need according to the deadline I gave. It makes me and others’ teams easier due to everything were done in the expected time. Hehe.. thanks ya my beloved team members!
Besides, I really appreciate my classmates. Our relationship has become closer after this event. We have learnt to be more understanding and tolerance within each other. When we were stressed because of a lot of assignments while preparing for this event, we always encourage and give support to each other. We tried to adjust our time and sacrifice personal entertainment to gather around and discuss about event, we even sacrifice our sleeping time just because we insisted to finish our missions in certain time. Without members’ cooperation, it is impossible for TARCians to enjoy in our events!
Last but not least, someone who I must thank is our lecturer and also tutor – Ms Yesu! She is really an understanding and reasonable person. Even though she is unwell during the period of preparation, she still did her best to guide us and help us settle our problems. What I learnt from her are included learn to apologize when you are wrong, learn to accept others’ opinion if they are reasonable and so on. Although some of those are simple principle, but it will definitely hard to use in life unless you have courage, especially the first principle I mentioned just now.
I believe that not only me, all of us have gained a lot of experiences and memories in this last third year of Diploma in Public Relations. I hope that all of TARCians can be active in participate our event! It spent us much effort, time and also money to give you a nice feeling in event. Thus, go for it, look for it, and enjoy it!
Good Luck for all my beloved friends and lecturer!
The reason I chose to join Floor & Event is simple. That is because I enjoy learning new things, especially skill in organizing event and solving problems. I believe that it will be useful in my future while I am experiencing this challenge!
Actually, we faced a lot of problems during this event. Its included communication problems and group members’ opinions are totally different. At the beginning, all of us were troubled in this case because we tried to do our best but we still lacked of experiences. Luckily, all of the conflicts have been settled under a peace situation. ^_^’
Through this event, I have learned a lot of things no matter is under my expectations or unexpected. One of my experiences that I would like to share here is leadership. Leadership skill is really important no matter where you working in future. For me, I know-nothing in leading people, thus it has become a great problem in this event. It is because I don’t know what I should do and what tasks should I give to my members. End of this, I did it all by myself and I felt very tired in both physically and mentally! Luckily I was guided by few friends who had ever been leader before; they guided me and shared their experiences with me. It is useful for me and finally I slowly understand my responsibilities.
Here, I would like to thank all my team members because they helped me a lot in F&E Team when different tasks had given to our team. They are good team members because they always obey my orders and gave me what I need according to the deadline I gave. It makes me and others’ teams easier due to everything were done in the expected time. Hehe.. thanks ya my beloved team members!
Besides, I really appreciate my classmates. Our relationship has become closer after this event. We have learnt to be more understanding and tolerance within each other. When we were stressed because of a lot of assignments while preparing for this event, we always encourage and give support to each other. We tried to adjust our time and sacrifice personal entertainment to gather around and discuss about event, we even sacrifice our sleeping time just because we insisted to finish our missions in certain time. Without members’ cooperation, it is impossible for TARCians to enjoy in our events!
Last but not least, someone who I must thank is our lecturer and also tutor – Ms Yesu! She is really an understanding and reasonable person. Even though she is unwell during the period of preparation, she still did her best to guide us and help us settle our problems. What I learnt from her are included learn to apologize when you are wrong, learn to accept others’ opinion if they are reasonable and so on. Although some of those are simple principle, but it will definitely hard to use in life unless you have courage, especially the first principle I mentioned just now.
I believe that not only me, all of us have gained a lot of experiences and memories in this last third year of Diploma in Public Relations. I hope that all of TARCians can be active in participate our event! It spent us much effort, time and also money to give you a nice feeling in event. Thus, go for it, look for it, and enjoy it!
Good Luck for all my beloved friends and lecturer!
Grace (Programme Team Leader)
My name is Grace….
I'm a year2 student from Public Relation (PR)
and I'm also one of a B5 group member…
I felt that I very happy and proud because I got a chance to be a team leader to participate and organize this event, the title for the event is called "Faces of Malaysia".
I became a Programme Team Leader and my job is to oblige our class programming team. After engaging this job I just realise that there are not a easy job for the organisation of one of the event and the team work also very important for organisation of the event. Through this blog I wish to thanks to all my team members, they respected my decision and supporting me everytime, they also do their own best job. Beside this, I will try my best to perfect the event.
Lastly, I mentioned that our whole students of class B5 of Public Relation (PR) and all students of PR course have paid all attention to organizate and held this event so that I wish everyone can be free to visit and support our event on 19.08.2008 and 20.08.2008.
Coming soon event “FACES of MALAYSIA”….Waiting you all ya~~~ ^^
I'm a year2 student from Public Relation (PR)
and I'm also one of a B5 group member…
I felt that I very happy and proud because I got a chance to be a team leader to participate and organize this event, the title for the event is called "Faces of Malaysia".
I became a Programme Team Leader and my job is to oblige our class programming team. After engaging this job I just realise that there are not a easy job for the organisation of one of the event and the team work also very important for organisation of the event. Through this blog I wish to thanks to all my team members, they respected my decision and supporting me everytime, they also do their own best job. Beside this, I will try my best to perfect the event.
Lastly, I mentioned that our whole students of class B5 of Public Relation (PR) and all students of PR course have paid all attention to organizate and held this event so that I wish everyone can be free to visit and support our event on 19.08.2008 and 20.08.2008.
Coming soon event “FACES of MALAYSIA”….Waiting you all ya~~~ ^^
Vei Jin (Exhibition Team Leader)
Hi…I am exhibition leader Vei Jin. Welcome to our “faces of Malaysia” event on 19th and 20th Ogos 2008 in Tunku Abdul Rahman college hall at Genting Kelang, Kuala Lumpur. By here, I will not explain more about our event. I’m sure you can get a lot of fun from our event on that day. Thanks all of you come and support our event…..
Leader and Asst. Leader of B5
Yvonne (Programme Master of B5) :
Ohaiyo!! Welcome to B5 blogspot! Thank you for you to visit our blog and hopefully we will be able to see you on that day itself.
To be honest I must really thank those who have appointed me to be the project manager as I am able to learn a lot from everyone. I must also thank them for helping out so much and are committed in this project. It is really a great opportunity to work with you guys (B5 siau kids!). Although the class got all sort of people such as the ganas ladies, the ‘99%-of-guys-who-watch-porn’ guys, self-appoint handsome, not-so-straight guy, love counselor, sexy girls as well as quiet yet might-be-dangerous girls.
On the day itself you will see how these rojak rock your cultural world!
Well, all these rojak people make up………. B5!!
To be honest I must really thank those who have appointed me to be the project manager as I am able to learn a lot from everyone. I must also thank them for helping out so much and are committed in this project. It is really a great opportunity to work with you guys (B5 siau kids!). Although the class got all sort of people such as the ganas ladies, the ‘99%-of-guys-who-watch-porn’ guys, self-appoint handsome, not-so-straight guy, love counselor, sexy girls as well as quiet yet might-be-dangerous girls.
On the day itself you will see how these rojak rock your cultural world!
Well, all these rojak people make up………. B5!!
Yu Bin (Asst. Programme Master of B5) :
Yu Bin:
‘Faces of Malaysia’ is the cultural exhibition that will be organized by our course in August. And our class has been chosen to be responsible for the festival part. This maybe a tough task because most of us not really know all the festival of three races, even though our own one. But my class doesn’t give up and try their best to solve it.
Then, I am proud to be elected and playing as an Assistant Leader for my class. This is an important and tough role and I have give out my best to do the best.
The most important persons that giving cooperation in preparatory will be all of my team members and also my leader. I am appreciated and thanks to all of them. Their responsibly and efficiency have help to done a great job. This makes me feel that our exhibition will be successful.
Last, I hope everyone will come and enjoy the cultural exhibition. Hope to see you soon!!! =)
‘Faces of Malaysia’ is the cultural exhibition that will be organized by our course in August. And our class has been chosen to be responsible for the festival part. This maybe a tough task because most of us not really know all the festival of three races, even though our own one. But my class doesn’t give up and try their best to solve it.
Then, I am proud to be elected and playing as an Assistant Leader for my class. This is an important and tough role and I have give out my best to do the best.
The most important persons that giving cooperation in preparatory will be all of my team members and also my leader. I am appreciated and thanks to all of them. Their responsibly and efficiency have help to done a great job. This makes me feel that our exhibition will be successful.
Last, I hope everyone will come and enjoy the cultural exhibition. Hope to see you soon!!! =)
What is this Event About?
What is this event is all about?
If anyone of you is still does not know about this event, this event is called “Faces of Malaysia” mainly to exhibit the culture of all the three main faces in Malaysia which are: Malay, Chinese and Indian. Here, all the 10 classes in DPR2 will elaborate to organize this event. All 10 classes will be exhibiting 10 different branches of each race. They are:-
B1 à Food
B2 à Traditional Dance
B3 à Handicraft and Herb
B4 à Martial Art
B5 à Festival
B6 à Traditional Attire
B7 à Instrumental
B8 à Ceremony
BRJ1 à Traditional Games
BRJ2 à Wedding
We need to apply the PR theory as well as the strategies and tools into this assignment in order to make it successful. The whole class members are involved in planning and executing the plan. As you know, this event is part of our coursework and it is one of the most HECTIC as well as requires many HARDSHIPS to make it a successful one.
If anyone of you is still does not know about this event, this event is called “Faces of Malaysia” mainly to exhibit the culture of all the three main faces in Malaysia which are: Malay, Chinese and Indian. Here, all the 10 classes in DPR2 will elaborate to organize this event. All 10 classes will be exhibiting 10 different branches of each race. They are:-
B1 à Food
B2 à Traditional Dance
B3 à Handicraft and Herb
B4 à Martial Art
B5 à Festival
B6 à Traditional Attire
B7 à Instrumental
B8 à Ceremony
BRJ1 à Traditional Games
BRJ2 à Wedding
We need to apply the PR theory as well as the strategies and tools into this assignment in order to make it successful. The whole class members are involved in planning and executing the plan. As you know, this event is part of our coursework and it is one of the most HECTIC as well as requires many HARDSHIPS to make it a successful one.
B5 Committee list for the Event "Faces of Malaysia"
Faces of Malaysia
The Committee Members of B5
Programme Master: Loke Yuan Jing (Yvonne)
Assistant Programme Master: Loh Yu Bin
Secretary: Low Ai Ling
Business Team
Director: Lim Yi Ting (Orange)
Member: Low Chee Wee
Low Hui Ying (Serena)
Ng Chee Yong
Publicity & Publication Team
Director: Neoh Ee Lin (Rain)
Asst. Director: Mohd Kalib (Kae)
Member: Low Ai Ling
Loh Bik Sun (Sun)
Long Pui San
Ng Hooi Hun (Crystal)
Floor and Event Team
Director: Ng Chun Fang (Fanny)
Asst. Director: Lim Zhong Jie (Darren)
Member: Low Yuen Ng (Jas)
Man Yoke Ying(Pinky)
Loke Li Jean (Jean)
Ng Kar Yann
Programme Team
Director: Loh Bik Wah (Grace)
Asst. Director: Mok Kwai Yoke (Yukie)
Member: Ng Eng Eng
Exhibit Team
Director: Loo Vei Jin
Member: Loke Wei Chung
Loh Yu Jian (Jeffrey)
The Committee Members of B5
Programme Master: Loke Yuan Jing (Yvonne)
Assistant Programme Master: Loh Yu Bin
Secretary: Low Ai Ling
Business Team
Director: Lim Yi Ting (Orange)
Member: Low Chee Wee
Low Hui Ying (Serena)
Ng Chee Yong
Publicity & Publication Team
Director: Neoh Ee Lin (Rain)
Asst. Director: Mohd Kalib (Kae)
Member: Low Ai Ling
Loh Bik Sun (Sun)
Long Pui San
Ng Hooi Hun (Crystal)
Floor and Event Team
Director: Ng Chun Fang (Fanny)
Asst. Director: Lim Zhong Jie (Darren)
Member: Low Yuen Ng (Jas)
Man Yoke Ying(Pinky)
Loke Li Jean (Jean)
Ng Kar Yann
Programme Team
Director: Loh Bik Wah (Grace)
Asst. Director: Mok Kwai Yoke (Yukie)
Member: Ng Eng Eng
Exhibit Team
Director: Loo Vei Jin
Member: Loke Wei Chung
Loh Yu Jian (Jeffrey)
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